After a long selection process,the mig staff has broken thousands of would be Admins heart by declaring 5 new Mig33 admins name list on August,2010.
For a lot of users to be a Global is a dream.A global Admin can kick freely and can not be kicked out by any will have a lot of followers,assistants and fans ( and enemies too!).He will gwt a lot of gifts and likes.He will get 50+ miglevel.Everybody can not be a admin,you should have to regular and reputed Mig id.The actual selection process is ambiguous,even unknown to Admins.
Here is the list of those below:-
1:- mrs-hp (South Africa)
2:- kitkat_twix (Pakistan)
3:- mindbl0wing_girl (Indonesia)
4: ayshaafshan (Libya)
5:- adilliano (Pakistan)
So Mig fanboys and mig mads better luck next time....